Promoting Cultural Policies In Rural Areas Within The Framework Of The Development And Territorial Cohesion Strategies And The 2030 Agenda
The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is drafting an opinion on Promoting cultural policies in rural areas within the framework of the development and territorial cohesion strategies and the 2030 agenda. On 17th of July, the rapporteur, Mr Csaba Borboly (RO/EPP), President of Harghita County Council, together with his expert, Mr László Csák, met the representatives of relevant stakeholder organizations for a consultation on the thematic of the opinion, in order to gather the different points of views and discuss the main issues.
During the stakeholder consultation held in Brussels, the rapporteur collected views/ideas/comments on the discussed subjects.
You can review the draft version of the document by clicking on this link.
- Background studies, working documents
- DG REGIO’s written contribution showcasing Cohesion policy support to culture, including in rural areas, in the 2021-2027 programming period
- Territorial Agenda 2030 – A future for all places https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy
- NAT study on the cost of non-rurality: https://cor.europa.eu/en/engage/studies
- Documents and resources developed from the Culture and Ruralities Program of the Ministry of Culture of Spain:
- Book Thinking and doing in rural areas. Cultural practices in context, recently published in English for the Spanish Presidency
- Conclusions of the First Forum Culture and Ruralities
- Program of the VI Culture and Ruralities Forum (July 2023), in Spanish and English
- European Mapping Culture and Ruralities , of which we are going to publish a new and extended version for Europe.
- National Strategy against the Demographic Challenge (130 measures), where the promotion of culture appears as one of the 10 key axes.
- Article by Elena Polivtseva “Arts in rural areas”
- Concept note for the opinion “Promoting cultural policies in rural areas within the framework of the development and territorial cohesion strategies and the 2030 agenda”
- Continuities – Discontinuities. Arts, creation and contemporary ruralities in Europe: https://culturayciudadania.culturaydeporte.gob.es
- European cartography of cultural projects in rural areas: https://www.google.com/maps